
Islamic Hands over the past 9 years, has been actively engaged in alleviating world poverty, hunger & providing humanitarian relief across 3 continents.

We were Awarded the UK’s bravest charity in 2017 for our work relating to Rohingya Muslims in Burma.

In 2017 we helped

1289   families

About us

Recognised for the quality, transparency and speed of our work in villages across Africa, South East Asia & the Middle East. We are particularly known for our creativity and our ability to empower ruralU communities.

Approaching 10 years, we work towards helping alleviate the impacts of poverty & sickness, especially in areas which have experienced a humanitarian crisis, war, conflict or natural disaster.

We do this by providing the basic necessities of life, of which each and every one of us deserves. From Water, Sanitation, Education, Livelihood and Socio-Economic Development thus tackling the root causes and providing a sustainable solution to lift them out of poverty, and provide for themselves and their families.

Over the next 5 years we aim to establish several long term projects such as schools, healthcare clinics and livelihood programmes worldwide.

Our extended partners are working in over 30 countries around the world. By working closely with our carefully selected partners, we are able to distribute aid in an effective, efficient, transparent and wholly accountable manner. We aim to make a enduring difference to the communities and people we work with.


Our Vision

Our motto is “Creating Hope Changing Lives” For us the goal is to raise the aspirations and hope of the destitute and underprivileged and to help transform their lives for a better future.

We are inspired by our faith and the teaching of humanity, and grasp the spirit of selflessness without discrimination, our aim has been to reach out to those communities that find it most difficult to receive help, and are most vulnerable to extremism, neglect and exclusion in a non-political, non-sectarian, non-religious and non-exclusionary manner.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help alleviate poverty and economic exclusion amongst the hardest to reach communities around the world through social enterprise, grassroots empowerment and sustainability.

Our guiding principle is to empower such communities to make them inclusive and cohesive members of wider society promoting tolerance, peace and goodwill.


Our Work

We have been trusted for over the past 9 years by donors in distributing donations, building up knowledge, expertise and credibility to ensure your money reaches those who need it quickly, effectively and with full transparency.

We understand the significance of the amanah (trust) we have been given by accepting your donations and distributing them correctly on the ground.

We strive to remain true to our vision of providing a robust, legal, transparent and effective distribution service for all our donors.

Project: Gaza
Gaza Emergency

Raising money to help those families who's homes have been DESTROYED so we can provide them with basic living provisions. Our on the ground contacts have informed us of the urgent requirement for living provision.

Goal: £30 000
+ Donate Read More
Project: Rohingya
Emergency Aid

After locating a group of 1289 Rohingya families (approx 6000 people), who were receiving little to NO help due to their location across the border in Myanmar, we decided these were the most needy and most difficult Rohingya Refugees to supply aid to. We had collectd funds to provide minimum one month food rations to as many families as we possibly could. No other aid agencies were operating here or allowed to. The location was remote as well as too high risk.

Goal: £25 000
Raised: £25 000
This Project is Completed Read More